I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) working with individuals, couples, and families experiencing acculturation stress.
Acculturation is the process of adopting cultural traits or social norms of another group, and is a common experience for individuals who have migrated. People who migrate often encounter stress and adjustment problems with limited access to mental health support. Relationship and family conflicts, traumatic experiences, life transition challenges, loss, problems related to boundary setting, poor self-esteem and self-concept are common issues, only to name a few. Immigration and acculturation were my experience, therefore I will be conveying both a subjective and objective perspective on these issues, and address them using approaches that are tailored to your needs, with goals to help you become most resilient and adaptive in your family and community.
My work is guided by family systems principles addressing problems according to relationship and interaction between people, rather than only within the individuals. Depending on your presenting problems and needs, I may also use individual skills training and psycho-education to address most immediate and critical issues that can be resolved with adequate insight, education, and practical application of skills. My work is not limited to my culture-of-origin; I also work with various mental health issues, a diverse population and with people of all ages.
I work well with people who are determined to create change for themselves and their families, regardless of their backgrounds or current challenges, and people who have underlying traits of perfectionism, fear of failure and rejection, and those who struggle with shame-based thinking. I am motivated to work with people who possess a willful rebellion to cultural messages that hinder their growth, yet are wanting to honor life-preserving values that were fostered in their lifetime in what appears to be an ever-changing culture. By accepting and appreciating these paradoxical experiences, you may discover your most adaptive self and become more resilient given any challenges.
I graduated with a Master of Science in Family Therapy from Texas Woman’s University, and received my bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of North Texas. My interest became a long-term endeavor over 12 years ago when I worked with my first immigrant family, and this experience assuredly led me to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy. Since then I have continued to see individuals, couples, and families in different community agencies, including residential and intensive outpatient settings. My experience entailed working with individuals, couples, and families who had moderate to severe mental illnesses, martial and family conflicts, parenting difficulties, employment and financial stress, substance-related problems, and process addictions such as eating disorders and gambling. Additionally, I’ve work with a diverse team of clinicians and healthcare professionals and gained valuable experience from our time working together, therefore I am ready to collaborate with your support system to ensure your needs are sufficiently met.
I look forward to working with you!